Úvod / Nálezy

Nálezy z Holandska

22. 02. 2006 Autor: jaapio 6480× 27
A Brittish 75MM Howitzer, found in Arnhem in The Netherlands. This granade was found at 50cm of depth. It was fully sharp with the cordit within so I burried it back into the ground with a big depth.

Greetings from Holandsko,


I found this brittish. 303 bullet points all together. Properly civilians broke the point of the shell and melt the lead out of the bulletpoint for other purposes. I think its about 100 pionts.

The other ones a Brittish. 303 Lee Enfield Clips. I found them into the woods. This are the british. 303 bullets after cleaning. The are really weak and the skin of the shell is very thin.

This is a . 38 Webley bullet. Really weak and lost. Found these also in the woods. Only the shell is in perfect quality.

A Brittish Spike Bajonet MK4 for the Lee Enfield rifle, i lays only about 5 cm of depth in the ground. After cleaning no marks/letters where found.

 Autor: jaapio



22. 02. 2006, 11:43

Jaapio: nice finds anyway, thanks for sharing and welcome here on forum!


22. 02. 2006, 11:48

nevíte náhodou někdo co tam píše ten holandský nálezce ohledně té munice?


22. 02. 2006, 12:25

Delon: kterou myslis?


22. 02. 2006, 12:36

Thank you! i will post my finds in the futere here on this website, this is a realy great place!


22. 02. 2006, 12:51

bigsmoke: tu dělostřeleckou.


22. 02. 2006, 12:57

Hi Jaapio. I agree with Iceman. Nice... I cannot help but wish joy of similar or better treasure-trove for future


22. 02. 2006, 13:01

tu 75mm Howitzer? jen to ze ji nasel v Arnhemu v 0.5 metru a pak ji zakopal jeste do vetsi hloubky pac to bylo fully sharp? -asi o hubu... nevim


22. 02. 2006, 13:02

Thanks Pipkin, Sunday i will go hunting, i hope that i will find a lot of things, when i have the pictures i will post them!


22. 02. 2006, 13:03

What's the problem Bigsmoke?


22. 02. 2006, 13:03

What's the problem Bigsmoke?


22. 02. 2006, 13:06



22. 02. 2006, 13:08


22. 02. 2006, 13:39

bagsmoke: díky. Alespoň nejsem na světě sám kdo chce pozabíjet malé děti.


22. 02. 2006, 14:34

Delon: Zdravím Delone, jsem zpátky. A Jaapio píše, že ten Howitzer byl ostrej a plnej korditu, tak ho zahrabal zpátky do matičky země.


22. 02. 2006, 14:49

Pepe: vítej doma. Ale ber to " v uvozovkách". K tomu jak vypadá náš domov jsem měl teď malý článek v "hlavní". Kdy zajedeš?


22. 02. 2006, 14:58

Nice items!


22. 02. 2006, 17:07

Jaapio Bigsmoke has no any problem. Just explains/ translates to Delon what you wrote


22. 02. 2006, 17:11

Ooh ok, i will not try read any czech words, it will bring some miscommunicates. so... Thx everybody! ;)


22. 02. 2006, 20:09

Gila: thanks!


22. 02. 2006, 20:37

Jaapio: Is it ussual in the Netherlands to put the sharp granade backu to the ground? IWas n´t it better to announce it to police etc. ? Did you expect any problems?


22. 02. 2006, 23:26

JeanC: I put it backt to the ground beceause the danger is to high. It's usual to make contact with the correct authorities, but the risk of further problems is high. I search in an Area where it is not allowed to search with a metal detector. So, at that time it is better to burrie the item back into the ground and burrie it in a large depth so other hunting people can't find it anymore. maybe when i am done with searching in that area can i take the solution to dig the granade up and contact the authorities and the will demolate it.


23. 02. 2006, 10:43

Jaapio_very great to find this things,.. but dangerous...


23. 02. 2006, 11:20

Yes, when diggering things thing up, i(also "We") must be and threat those tings very carefully, if not....


23. 02. 2006, 11:30

Understand and. . good luck


23. 02. 2006, 12:15



23. 02. 2006, 16:36

hm. . simply great


25. 02. 2006, 23:05

Mna by len zaujimalo čím čistil tie Mausery? Opýta sa ho to niekto kto vie Angličtinu? Vopred díkes